On 414 Day, InstaMeet presented by CopyWrite Magazine

This 414 Day (04/14) from 3:00PM – 6:00PM the MARN ART + CULTURE HUB, located at 191 N Broadway, is hosting this season’s InstaMeet presented by CopyWrite Magazine.

Milwaukee area photographers, designers, models, stylists, and creatives are invited to grab a drink, network and create fresh Instagram content.  

“Copywrite Instameet was created to provide a safe space for creatives to collaborate and connect with creatives from all over Milwaukee. Collaboration is the most important aspect of this event, allowing creatives to see each other, uplift each other and create a sense of community with one another. We gather photographers, designers, stylists, models, and other creatives to produce content that expresses the beauty and pride of Milwaukee. We also use this as an opportunity to activate spaces and share parts of Milwaukee that may not be known by everyone here. By combining these aspects we keep creative culture alive in the city of Milwaukee.”

This event is free and open to the public!*

Follow the link below to learn more about CopyWrite InstaMeets: https://express.adobe.com/page/GqQi6Lf0YdBT3/


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